We have collated a list of our most frequently asked questions. These should allow you to make the most of this platform. If you are still stuck, please contact us here
If you are a full member, your account will automatically set to auto-renew, and this will happen without any intervention on the date you joined, each year. If you would like to stop this from happening, there is an option to remove the auto-renew feature within your profile.
If you are a student or young lawyer member, or if your account is part of an institutional membership, you will be notified when your account will expire, and will be able to contact CLA to renew your membership. Students or Young Lawyers may need to resubmit proof of status.
In the menu of CLA Connect, you will see 6 symbols, the first depicting a house. Along from this, you will see a symbol featuring 3 figures. Clicking this will take you to our Members Index, where you can see all members. Looking for someone in particular? Simply search their name in the search bar – you can also search by job title and location.
If you’ve found someone you would like to connect with, there will be a button marked “Connect” on their profile. Clicking this will send them a friendship request. If they accept this request then you will be connected, and can send them direct messages within CLA Connect.
Event specifics will depend on each event, most will be online but some may be in-person and require booking. Some may also be for particular locations or age groups. Please check each event’s details, and register your attendance where possible to guarantee your spot.
If you have an event related to law in the commonwealth, we’d love to hear from you and discuss featuring your event on CLA Connect. Please email with your event details.
As a CLA Member you get full access to all of our articles and events, along with our quarterly journal, and CLA Connect is at the heart of this membership. Being on this platform gives you the benefit of being able to connect with other legal professionals across the commonwealth, and discuss topics from the legal sector with peers.
Yes, you can join any group that suits your interests. We do ask that only young lawyer members join the Young Lawyer group, but all of the hub groups are open to all members, regardless of location.
Members cannot currently create their own groups, but if you have an idea for a new group on CLA Connect, we would love to hear your ideas. Please contact with your new group idea, and why you think other members would love to join.
We would love for you to get involved with our projects – if you’re interested in an existing project or have an idea for a new one, please contact may not always be places available in project groups, or capacity for a new project, but we will help in any way we can.
CLA Connect is a bespoke platform created for legal professionals across the Commonwealth to discuss and engage in legal matters, and connect with peers in the same sector. We ask that posts stay within this guideline, and that discussions are kept to Commonwealth legal matters. Posts will be monitored by CLA admins.
Your posts will be seen by your connections, and if another member is tagged, or interacts with the post, then it will be seen by their connections, too. If you post in a group, all members of that group will be able to see the post.