Claire Palmer
Claire specialises in employment, public /administrative, inquests, inquiries and civil claims. She is regularly instructed by Government departments and public bodies in inquests and public inquiries and has significant experience across a broad range of civil cases.
Claire is considered to be “personable and engaging as well as excellent with clients”. She is rated by clients for representing “the best of barrister qualities – she’s clear and articulate about the big picture, but in preparation her attention to detail is excellent”.
Claire regularly appears in the Employment Tribunal, County Court and High Court. She frequently represents the Government in relation to cases with a national security element and has particular experience of the issues that arise in such cases. She appears for individuals and private bodies particularly in fact-sensitive or high-profile whistle blowing and discrimination claims. Recent examples of her work include: senior junior counsel on the Undercover Policing Inquiry for the Designated Lawyers team (representing a significant number of former SDS officers); representing the Crown Prosecution Service in a substantial malicious prosecution, misfeasance in public office, and conspiracy to injure case; and a number of substantial inquests on behalf of HMPPS relating to deaths in custody or by restricted patients.
Claire was appointed to the Attorney-General’s A Panel of Junior Counsel in 2019 and has over 12 years’ experience in Government cases.
In May 2020, Claire was appointed a Deputy District Judge (Civil) on the South Eastern Circuit. She hears a variety of civil cases including civil applications, small claims and fast track trials, and now has experience of hearing advocacy delivered as well as being the one delivering it! Claire has taught advocacy at Lincoln’s Inn for over 10 years, and was recently promoted to Tutor Trainer.