Guest Lecture Series – “Mediators; Not Judges, not Arbitrators, not decision makers. What, really, is mediation?””
The Commonwealth Lawyers Association invites you to join us for a mediation guest lecture series, with episode 1 kicking off the the CLA’s Immediate Past President and the Chair of the Northern Ireland Law Society Mediation Service, Brian Speers.
As mediation in civil justice has evolved over the past 25-30 years its relevance and process and core values have changed. What was once a voluntary process may now be mandated. What was essentially a facilitative process can now be highly evaluative. And that may be in response to client expectation or preference. But has mediation evolved well? The mediation process should be adaptable – but has it become adapted to something which is no longer mediation? This lecture will consider how mediation has evolved, particularly in the UK, and will propose that a recognised mediation profession should be the next stage of the evolution.
Date: 19th September 2024
7.00 am Jamaica
8.00 am The Bahamas / Dominica / Trinidad and Tobago / St Vincent and the Grenadines
1.00 pm United Kingdom & Nigeria
2.00 pm Zambia
5.30 pm India
8.00 pm Singapore / Malaysia / Hong Kong
10.00 pm PNG
Episode 2 – 3rd October – Can ADR transform a Society? The Jamaican Experience
Episode 3 – 17th October – Mediation – The Changing face of Access to Justice
Episode 4 – 31st October – Peace jurisprudence and constitutional reform- incorporating mediation principles into supreme law
Episode 5 – 7th November – Mediation Advocacy: The Ignored Middle Child?
Episode 6 – 14th November – Interplay of Psychology, Neuroscience and Conflict in Mediation