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CLA’s Australasia Hub with Society of Lawyers in India (SOLI) presents it’s lecture on the topic, “Constitutionalism, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights-A Review of 2022 and Challenges in 2023”

21st January 2023

Welcome Address
Mr. Jaideep Gupta, Sr. Advocate, Supreme Court of India

Guest Address:
Mr. Steven Thiru, Malaysia, Vice-President Commonwealth Lawyers Association, Australasia Region

Opening Remarks;
Mr. Rahul Kumar, Advocate, Sarvada Legal, Delhi

Closing Remarks;
Ms. Shubha Yadav, Advocate, Supreme Court of India

Time: 8.00am UK & West Africa / 10.00am Southern Africa / 1.30pm India / 4.00pm Malaysia / 9.00pm South Pacific
Date: 21st January 2023

Register your attendance here

Join us live on Youtube: https://youtu.be/sl-jf9L1eSs

Note: Participation Certificate to all the Attendees.

