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Nivaaran-Mediators of Supreme Court of India presents the 21st Lecture of the Lecture series

14th June 2023

 “The Mediator and the Lawyer-friends or foes?”

An ambitious personal attempt to offer a multi-jurisdictional analysis of the relationship between mediators and lawyers: their respective place in the market for legal or dispute resolution services, their role and participation in the process and the promotion of mediation, and the impact of mediation upon legal practice and education.

Guest Address: Prof. Andrew Goodman LLB MBA PhD FCIArb FInstCPD FRSA

Opening remarks: Ms. Sangeeta Mehrotra, Advocate & Mediator, Supreme court of India.

Closing remarks: Mr. Aruneshwar Gupta, Senior Advocate & Mediator, Supreme Court of India

Time & Date: June 14 2023 4:00 PM India / 11:30 AM BST

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