Commonwealth Lawyers Association Logo
Maintaining and promoting the rule of law throughout the Commonwealth.

CLA Members in good standing with the Commonwealth Lawyers Association are invited to submit nominations for the following offices for 1st February 2025 – 31st January 2027 noting that nominations can be made for all or any of the Offices:

(Proposers must be a CLA member at date of nomination)
(Seconders must be a CLA member at date of nomination)
(Vice Presidents must be nominated from their own region)
(Proposers must be a CLA member at date of nomination)
(Seconders must be a CLA member at date of nomination)
(Vice Presidents must be nominated from their own region)
(Proposers must be a CLA member at date of nomination)
(Seconders must be a CLA member at date of nomination)
(Vice Presidents must be nominated from their own region)
(Proposers must be a CLA member at date of nomination)
(Seconders must be a CLA member at date of nomination)
(Vice Presidents must be nominated from their own region)
(Proposers must be a CLA member at date of nomination)
(Seconders must be a CLA member at date of nomination)
(Proposers must be a CLA member at date of nomination)
(Seconders must be a CLA member at date of nomination)


  • Pursuant to clause 8.2 of the CLA Constitution, any CLA member who has served as a Council member for a term of 4 years in the case of nominations for President, and 2 years in the case of nominations for Vice Presidents and Treasurer, is eligible to stand
  • Nominees must be in good membership standing at the date of nomination and remain so until the conclusion of the election
  • Vice Presidents must be nominated from their own region
  • Nominations must be made and seconded by a CLA member (corporate, institutional or individual) in good standing with the Association (clause 10.7) at the date of the nomination
  • All nominations must be received by midnight GMT on 31st December 2024