Christian Wisskirchen

Christian Wisskirchen is Head of International Policy at the Bar Council of England and Wales. After completing his undergraduate law degree at Bonn University (Germany), he specialised in public international law (LL.M., University of London, UK). Subsequently he spent several years working in human rights, first for the UN in Haiti and then for human rights NGOs in London.
After this period he transitioned to the legal professional sector and joined the Law Society of England & Wales for four years to work on – among other matters – the implementation of the EU Lawyers regime and negotiating practice rights for English solicitors in Eastern Europe. At the Bar Council he is responsible for developing and implementing strategies to promote the international interests of the Bar, advising on international legal trade and regulatory matters and overseeing rule of law cooperation with legal professions abroad. He is an alumni “young leader” of the German Transatlantic Institute “Atlantik Brücke” and was a member of the FCO’s Rule of Law Experts Panel from 2004-2008. He is a member of the Executive Committee (and former Chair of) the Haiti Support Group as well as a member of the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association.