Commonwealth Lawyers Association Logo
Maintaining and promoting the rule of law throughout the Commonwealth.

Recently Qualified Survey

The CLA has existed since 1986. It’s aim is to maintain and promote the rule of law throughout the Commonwealth by ensuring that an independent and efficient legal profession serves the people of the Commonwealth.

Every organisation, particularly those which are membership bodies like the CLA, need to be clear about their aims and direction and periodically explore whether these are still appropriate and relevant to their members. The Executive Committee of the CLA is embarking on work which will produce a strategic plan. We believe that as part of this work it is crucial that they hear from all sectors of the organisation; along with potential members, so that as wide a variety of input can be obtained as possible.
In particular we need to hear from those who will form the future of the profession and therefore the future of the organisation.

This is why we need your help.

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Help us shape the future of CLA

“Our mission is to maintain and promote the rule of law throughout The Commonwealth”

What does this mean to you?

Every organisation, particularly those which are membership bodies like the CLA, need to be clear about their aims and direction and periodically explore whether these are still appropriate and relevant to their members.  The Executive Committee of the CLA is embarking on work which will produce a strategic plan and, as part of this work, it is crucial that they hear from all sectors of the organisation, along with potential members, so that as wide a variety of input can be obtained as possible.

In particular we need to hear from those who will form the future of the profession and therefore the future of the organisation.
And this is why we are particularly keen to hear from Recently Qualified, who have been called to the Bar within the last 5 years.

We have a quick survey that will really help us to understand how we can shape the future of our Association to best serve it’s members. Thank you for your time.

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