Africa / Welcome from Linda Kasonde, Vice-President for CLA Africa Hub
Welcome to the first ever edition of the Commonwealth Lawyers’ Association (CLA) Africa Hub newsletter! The Africa Hub is proud to have initiated this regional newsletter which will bring the legal views, news and events from across the African Commonwealth to the attention of CLA members across the globe. We welcome articles about Africa by anyone with knowledge and expertise on subjects relevant to the African Commonwealth. The articles are meant to be thought pieces more than they are meant to be academic in nature. We are interested in a diverse range of legal issues that affect the Continent and indeed hope that the sources of our articles reflect the diversity on the African continent. We hope that you will enjoy the first edition and we look forward to you helping us make this newsletter a success.
Zikomo kwambili (thank you very much)!
Linda Kasonde
CLA Vice-President for Africa
Please click here to read Linda’s full Council profile