Africa / Africa Hub call for articles
The Editor of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association Africa Hub newsletter invites submission of articles.
The articles must be on recent legal issues and events in African Commonwealth countries.
• All submissions should indicate the Author’s name, designation and organisation/law firm, email address and country in the body of the article and not just in the email.
• The submissions must be in Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) and must be sent to: info@commonwealthlawyers.com
• The articles should be non-academic and between 500 and 1000 words
• The Editor reserves the right to edit the author’s articles
• Articles must be original pieces which have not been published previously and cannot be republished without the permission of the Commonwealth Lawyers’ Association
• Neither the Editor nor the Commonwealth Lawyers Association will be liable if the articles infringe upon copyright laws; the author bears full liability
• The Editor encourages diversity in topics as well as the writers.
• Due to the number of articles submitted, the Editor will not be able to contact those whose submissions are unsuccessful.
• Deadline for submission is 13th November 2020.