CLA News / Call for nominations to the new CLA Council 2024 -2026
CLA members are invited to submit nominations for the election of the new CLA Council for the period 2024- 2026.
Nominations are sought for seats on Council for the next strategic period 2024 – 2026. Representation is required for each of the 56 Commonwealth member states, together with a member from each Crown Dependency and British Overseas Territory, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Zimbabwe and Hong Kong.
We are seeking nominations of candidates who are prepared to actively support and engage with the objectives of the CLA and the challenges of the new strategic period. Joining the CLA Council is a unique and prestigious opportunity to represent your jurisdiction’s perspective and to work to promote the rule of law and integrity of the legal profession on an international footing.
We urge all our members to become involved with this expanded opportunity for direct involvement.
The roles and responsibilities of Council members.
Please submit your nomination, which should have the support of the nominee and of a seconder, via the online link below.
The deadline to submit all nominations is 5.00 pm BST on 15th September 2023.
The proposer, nominee and the seconder must all be members of the CLA at the date of nomination and the nominee may not self nominate.
An e-vote will follow thereafter, with a declaration of results on 1st February 2024.
If you have any queries with the nomination process, please email info@commonwealthlawyers.com