CLA News / CLA President’s invitation to attend the Commonwealth Law Conference in Nassau, The Bahamas 5-9th September 2021
CLA President’s invitation to attend the Commonwealth Law Conference in Nassau, The Bahamas 5-9th September 2021
The Commonwealth Lawyers Association (the CLA) represents practitioners across the 54 members of the Commonwealth, seeking to uphold the rule of law and encourage contact and dialogue among members. https://www.commonwealthlawyers.com/
The Commonwealth Law Conference (CLC) has been held every two years since 1955. Attended by members of the legal profession across the Commonwealth, the CLC provides educational programmes highlighting best practice and considering challenges and developments to strengthen our profession’s continuing contributions to justice and the rule of law worldwide. The CLC provides networking opportunities for attendees.
When planning began two years ago for our 2021 Commonwealth Law Conference in Nassau, Bahamas, little did conference leaders know how pertinent the conference theme of “Sustainable Justice – the future role of the law” would be in a world emerging from a global crisis.
The CLA wishes to reach out to our American colleagues (with shared roots in Common Law) to join us in Nassau, Bahamas, September 5-9, 2021. We invite the members and leaders of the Bar organisations in the United States, District of Columbia, and the Territories, to consider attending. The coincidence of the location in Nassau will, we hope, make attendance convenient for our colleagues in the U.S.
In addition to general interest legal topics, there will be special sessions on the first day of programming geared toward Law Association executives and leaders.
Set against the spectacular backdrop of crystal seas, picturesque cays, soft-sand beaches and dramatic sunsets, the venue of the Conference is the five-star luxury resort Grand Hyatt, Baha Mar. A $150 transferable deposit locks in the Early Bird rate which has been extended to 30th June.Payment in full gives you access to book your room at the Grand Hyatt.
NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, while orbiting the earth two years ago, commented that The Bahamas was “the most beautiful place from space”. A room with views of the turquoise ocean waters is not to be missed https://www.commonwealthlawyers.com/clc-2021/
Becoming a member of the CLA for a mere £80/$110, gives a further approximate $600 discount on Conference registration, along with all the benefits and information on future events that come with CLA membership. Should you decide to take advantage of the CLA membership, this should be your first step. https://www.commonwealthlawyers.com/membership/ Once logged in as a member you will have access to the reduced Member Developed Country Early Bird delegate rates: https://www.commonwealthlawyers.com/clc-2021/#tableRates
The Bahamas is close to the USA East Coast and a non-stop airline service is offered from over a dozen US gateways. A special CLC discount code is available on American Airlines who offer non-stop service from 8 US gateways to Nassau. The code will be supplied once registered, and is applicable to on-line or travel agent bookings.
Attendees will have the opportunity to experience the beauty of The Bahamas through local excursions and activities making it a perfect first getaway after months of lockdown. Vaccinated individuals may enter with no further requirements and, for non-vaccinated persons, a negative PCR test.
I look forward to meeting you in September in Nassau. Until then, I wish you health and prosperity as we return to a pre-covid world with a renewed sense of responsibility toward “Sustainable Justice”. For further information contact secretariat@commonwealthlawconference.com
Brian Speers