CLA News / Goa Conference News update – Conference visa applications can now be submitted


We are pleased to confirm that the Goa Conference clearance approval from the Indian government has now been granted. This is the only clearance document needed to apply for a conference visa application for entry to India (event clearance by the Ministry of Home Affairs is not required to be uploaded).

Delegates can now proceed to upload the document as part of the visa application.

Most delegates can apply online but some nationalities will need to make a paper application followed by an in person appointment at the Consulate. Please check your e-visa eligibility here to apply for e-visas

Please note that all United Kingdom and Malaysia passport holders can now apply using the e-visa portal – there is no longer any need for an in person appointment.

Those delegates who do need an in person appointment eg Canada, Nigeria can now proceed to make the application and book an in person appointment.

Please note that you can apply for a conference visa for your accompanying person as a separate application.

Click here to view the clearance letter