CLA News / Commonwealth International Arbitration Study


At the request of the Commonwealth Secretariat, we would like to draw your attention to the Commonwealth International Arbitration Study, presently underway.

The Study was requested to be undertaken by Commonwealth Attorneys General at their meeting in October 2018. The aim of the Study is to understand the use of international commercial arbitration in addressing commercial disputes across the Commonwealth, as well as ways in which member countries may strengthen the accessibility and effectiveness of international commercial arbitration. The Study and its recommendations will be presented to Commonwealth Law Ministers at their forthcoming meeting in November 2019.

As part of information gathering for the Study, the Commonwealth Secretariat are seeking the views of Commonwealth lawyers on the use of international commercial arbitration in their respective Commonwealth jurisdictions. In order to facilitate this process, the Secretariat is inviting Commonwealth lawyers to complete an online questionnaire. The deadline for completion of the questionnaire is 30 April 2019.

The online questionnaire can be accessed HERE.

Any queries concerning the Study and the questionnaire may be addressed by email to:


Thank you very much in advance for your time and your contribution to this important endeavour.